Gift Card Giveaway Terms & Conditions
The terms and conditions for Makester's £100 gift card giveaway are outlined below.
You agree to these terms and conditions by entering:
- You must post a photo of your candle on Facebook or Instagram and tag our official accounts:
- The winner must be following the social media page that they entered from.
- The winner must be subscribed to Makester emails to be entered.
- The giveaway will be selected at random when we have enough entries.
- You must be subscribed by midnight on the last day of the month to be entered into the giveaway.
- The winner will have 7 days to claim their prize, and if we do not hear back from you, we will select a new winner based on the original terms.
- We are only obliged to contact the winner directly and not publicly announce this, but you agree for us to use your first name and city of your home address for public announcements (e.g. Wendy from Birmingham).
- Prize is a £100 gift card that can be redeemed via our store within a 12 month period.
- You agree for your submitted photo to be used in our social media posts and advertisements, including edits to the original photos.
- There is no cash alternative.
- Winner must be UK based.